Sunday, 22 February 2015

Rare car grave yard in Melbourne inner suburbs.

These two houses have for a long time been occupied by a father and son family with a love of vintage cars, particularly the Austin 7. Both properties are now part of an estate.

Not visible in this shot are the many cars scattered around the property located in an inner suburb of Melbourne that has become very desirable. Land value on each lot would easily exceed $1m.

 In desperate need of some love are both the house and the Ruby era Austin 7 tourer.

One of two Austin 7 cars known to have been mobile in the last ten years, unlike the rest. 

Just in view on the right is a Ruby that was seen to have got along on the road under it's own power in the last decade, but that was a rare moment and it was not in good health then.

A view between the two houses. A ruby body out in the elements. Is it salvageable??

A closer shot of the Ruby body shows the B pillar is gone.

 This Ruby, opposite the one above has had some attempt to protect it with a roof of sorts balanced on top.